A breakthrough in rug design

Building on the success of our washable cotton rugs, our Woolable® collection sets a new standard with the world’s first washable wool rugs. These rugs not only bring luxury and style to your home but also offer the practicality of easy cleaning. Complement your decor with our versatile and stylish washable rugs for a cohesive look.

Plush and practical

Experience the ultimate in softness and style with our Woolable® wool rugs. Each rug is designed to be a centerpiece that marries aesthetic appeal with functionality. Perfect for any room, our rugs add a touch of sophistication while being completely manageable. Match them with our specially designed wool rugs for kids that offer durability and safe materials.

Sustainable and stylish

Embrace sustainability without sacrificing style with our Woolable® rugs. These eco-friendly choices do not compromise on luxury, providing a high-end look with the benefits of being washable. Ideal for busy households, pair these with a cotton rug from our collection to enhance your home’s comfort and style.